
Those Humble Poems (2015) – As part of the first assignment in grade 9 STEM English, students were to compile a Poetry Anthology of the best five poems written by the student himself. I chose to title my anthology, Those Humble Poems. Click below to access the flip book of the anthology.


MacArthur (2018) – After reading William Shakespeare’s Macbeth and having in hand filming skills from Communications-Technology, some of my friends got together and created a modern-day parody of Macbeth, and titled it MacArthur, which revolves around a Student Council election. You may view the film below, and also access other media components at macarthurfilm.weebly.com.

Prudens Pantheon Online English Showcase– During my last year of secondary school Advanced-Placement English studies and prompted by Mr. Freitas, our English teacher to create a digital portfolio to showcase our work from English studies, some of my friends got together to form Prudens Pantheon and throughout the grade 12 ENG 4UP course, created artifacts to document our understanding of different pieces studies throughout the semester. You may visit the website at prudenspantheon.weebly.com.
